How To Spot a Good Proposal
2 min readJan 8, 2021

The ultimate bridge between a prospective and signed deal is a proposal. It’s a make-it-or-break-it point for both parties. However, how can you tell whether a proposal is going to live up to the hype? A real stinker might be easy to spot — I may not be an expert in trombone, but I can tell you what a bad trombone player sounds like. Can you differentiate between an adequate and a master level proposal? Here are a few tips and tricks I’ve come across:

First, a great proposal will read easily, with no excessive jargon or convoluted wording. If they can’t explain it to me like I’m five, do they know their process? Prevailing wisdom says no. Plus, if they can’t explain it when a project is in its infancy, how can communication be clear as it grows? An ideal partner will be able to explain their thought process left, right, backwards, forwards, simple, and complex. This demonstrates not only a deep understanding of the reasoning behind the process but also flexibility and adaptability, and who doesn’t want that when looking for a partner?

Another factor in creating a great proposal is also a high level of detail. You shouldn’t feel the need to get out your x-ray vision just to see the hidden meanings or steal the Declaration of Independence to get a map to your product. You should feel confident that each step of your project, from beginning to end, is covered so that you can have a timeline and budget in mind that matches reality.

Finally, a good proposal will leave you feeling confident in the direction you’re headed. A great proposal might even make you feel like you’ve had your mind read. It should feel like your ideas have been printed straight from your brain onto the page — and then some. A truly good proposal will uncover details you hadn’t yet considered and get the gears of your mind turning. And if it’s not exactly what you had in mind or leaves you with a question or two, you should definitely have a partner that will work to get onto the same page.

These are just a few of the things that can make up a great proposal, but like all good things, you’ll know it when you see it. I may be a bit biased, but if you’d like an example, reach out to us at and we’d be happy to share some of our best work.

